2022-08-04 05:45:00
改革产业结构:reform thes tructure of industries
亏损企业:loss-making enterprises
加快现代化步伐:quicken the modernization drive
跨国公司:multinational corporation
乡镇企业:township enterprises
国有企业:state-owned enterprises
合资企业:joint ventures
解放生产力:emancipate/liberate productivity
振兴国家经济:invigorate our state economy
实行股份制:introduce the shareholding system
全面深化改革:deepen reform all round
提高经济效益:improve economic results
增进效益:increase economic returns
宏观经济调控:macro-economic control and management
经济实力:economic strength
经营机制:operative mechanism
整顿经济秩序:rectify economic order
引进竞争机制:introduce a competitive mechanism
建立技术密集型企业:set up technologically-intensive enterprises
招商引资:canvass business and introduce investment
房地产:real estate
经济特区:special economic zone
基础设施:infrastructure facilities
投资热点:investment hot spot
外向型经济:export-oriented economy
按劳分配:distribute according to the work performance
打破平均主义:break/abandon equalitarian
保税区:bonded zone/area
扶贫项目:anti-poverty project
协调发展:coordinate the development
住房改革:housing reform
社会保障体系:social security system
信息高速公路:the information superhigh way
虚拟社区:virtual communities
市场萧条:slack market
冒牌产品:fake brand-name products
假冒伪劣商品:fake and poor quality commodities
谋取暴力:reap colossal profits
投诉:lodge complaint
乱收费:random charges
贸易顺差:favorable trade balance
贸易逆差:unfavorable trade balance
实行优惠政策:launch a preferential policy
繁荣市场:flourish the market
加入世贸组织:entry into the WTO
消费者协会:consumer's association
消费者购买力:consumer purchasing power
新兴市场:emerging market
抑制消费:control/inhibit consumption
无形资产:intangible assets
市场占有率:market share
品牌效应:brand effect
贸易壁垒:trade barrier
人才流失:brain drain
企业文化:corporate culture
拉动经济增长:fuel economic growth
竞争优势:competitive edge
经济结构调整:economic restructuring
经济增长点:economic growth point
经济过热:overheated economy
经济滑坡:economic downturn
灰色收入:gray income
分期付款:installment payment
边际效益:marginal benefit
裁减冗员:lay off redundant staff
产品更新换代:upgrade of products
人才战:competition for talented people
资源优化配置:optimizing the allocation of resources
不正之风:bad/harmful practice
持续发展:sustainable development
重复建设:redundant project
科学技术是第一生产力:Science and technology are the primary productive force.
核心竞争力:core competitiveness
减员增效:downsizing of staff and improving efficiency
讲诚信、反欺诈:honor credibility and oppose cheating
seek common ground while reserving differences
滥用权力:abuse one'spower;misuse one's authority
贪污腐化:corruption and degeneration
拜金主义:money worship
行贿受贿:give and take bribery
走后门:get in by the back door/enter by the back door
社会主义物质文明:socialist material wellbeing
社会主义精神文明:socialist culture and ideology
知识产权:intellectual property right
综合国力:comprehensive national strength
与时俱进:keep pace with the times
实事求是:seek truth from facts
战略伙伴关系:strategic partnership
可持续发展战略:strategy of sustainable development
工业园区:industrial park
技术密集型产品:technology-intensive product
新兴学科:new branch of science
边缘学科:frontier science
数字地球:digital globe
局域网:local area network
人工智能:artificial intelligence
网络世界:cyber world
网上犯罪:cyber crime
信息高速公路:information highland
虚拟现实:virtual reality
基因工程:genetic engineering
转基因食品:genetically modified food
网恋:cyber romance;virtual romance
复合型人才:interdisciplinary talent
双向选择:two-way selection
陶冶情操:cultivate one'staste and temperament
爱国主义教育:education in patriotism
择优录取:enroll the excellent students
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